As the authors rightly say in their intrduction,
"It can be difficult to hone one's writing skills within this fast paced environment. To solve this problem we decided to create Daily Writing Tips, a blog where you will find simple yet effective tips to improve your writing."This blog imparts basic knowledge about the simple parts of speech about Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Pronouns and the like. It also help you in business writing and freelance writing. Thus you see that they have a variety of options for young and old, alll alike!
One of my favorites is the Word Of The Day posts which enrich our vocabulary daily. And how could I ever forget to mention the Misused Words which tell us the basic mistakes in our language and also entertain the queries of the readers.
The posts under the category spelling are also good to improve our errors and learn the differences between the words with the same pronunciation. For amateur writers, their posts on fiction writing would be prudent. One of their recent posts, Cna Yuo Raed Tihs? is a fun-filled post full of jumbled sentences for you to solve and enjoy! They also contain tests and a forum.
To sum it up, all I can say is that this is one of the finest examples of a writing blog and a great help to amateur writers. I have bookmarked this and eagerly open my feed reader each morning to read about the my Daily Writing Tip of the day!
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