The Writing Pages

About writing, books, authors, reviews & much more....

About Me  


My sincere greetings to all my obliging readers out there who want to know about me.

My name is Meghna. I am a student and a young reading enthusiast. I have deep interest in books and reading. It is one of the most enjoyable aspects of life. Life without reading is naive. I strongly believe that the more you read; you develop a more educated vocabulary, understand more complex material and develop a great imaginative skill. Reading is a god-sent gift from heaven!
I am a girl who believes in solitary bliss. But do not take me as a shy and timid one, who does not like chatting with others. I really love socializing but I prefer the sole company of books than anyone else! And my thoughts guide me to say that there is no better life than spending long hours in eternity with the companionship of my dear books!

Books are the life blood of an author and treasures of wisdom which also teach a person moral values which are important assets for a good life.

So I think you all can understand the liking of books for my trivial young mind!

I read all kinds of books I can lay my hands upon. I read books ranging from fiction to non-fiction, mystery to horror and biographies of great souls on earth. I read as much good books as I can find time for. Being a young avid reader I also try to read books which interest the general public.

I love writing and penning down my thoughts. I take a look, get some ideas, some inspiration, anything I need to write and get it going. I write because I love to - I don't write because I have to. I believe that whether you are 13 or 73, you should sit down today and start being a writer if that is what you want to do.

If there is still anything more you want to know about me.....Read my blogs.

1. Delve into the Mind of a Budding Blogger

This is my first blog, where I write some stories, poetry, humor and many other. It is my scratch pad of sorts. Feel free to have a look at it.

2. The Writing Pages

This is the blog where you can find articles on writing, books, authors, reviews, trivia and much more.


  1. pranabk  

    Hi Meghna,

    It surprises me much to find that at your age (you're 13, right?) you are already managing two blogs. When I was 13 I didn't even know what a computer was!

    You write very well and I hope to visit your blogs regularly.

    keep writing.

  2. Meghna  

    Hi Pranab,
    I'm glad to have impressed you. Thanks for your support and motivation and I am glad you'll keep reading :D

  3. Anonymous  

    Holy crap, Meghna!

    I didn't know you had your own site!

    Anyways, I'm just someone a friend from Forest Edge who happened to find this page...well, I'm not exactly a "friend," per se. More like "acquaintence."

    Anyways, keep up the great writing. ;)

  4. Meghna  

    Hi Anonymous,
    Thanks for dropping by and hope that you liked my site. It's just a new venture and I'm glad you're impressed!
    Yes, I'll certainly keep writing :P

  5. Jeevan  

    You have already been an inspiration to much including me. This is really nice and I wish more children comes out like u using the development to show there creative skill and reading. You are an example for all. Its glad to read your blogs and going through your thoughts.

  6. Meghna  

    Hi jeevan,
    Mine is only a stepping stone and you are all an inspiration to me!@ I too hope to find more young talents around here :D

  7. Anonymous  

    hello. i don't know you, but i stumbled across your blog and just wanted to send a word of encouragement to you - keep it up - you're off to a great start =)

  8. Meghna  

    Hi thedailyelephant,
    Glad to know that you enjoyed reading the blog. Hope you keep visiting for more....
    Thank you for the encouraging words!

  9. sb  

    hi meghna!

    i should only say ur blog came as a surprise to me this morning that i mailed my frens about u... good job gal... am sure u r starting a revolution in the teen world.. GOD BLESS U!!!

  10. Spontaneous Mini  

    Hi Meghna,

    Great work here. I love books too. I am double your age so I have a diffrent kind of reading list. But I enjoy reading you whenever I can. I could never find the comment button on your post. SO just putting it on about me post.
    Like some of your recommendations.

  11. Anonymous  

    Hi meghna, i came to know about you on stumbleupon, as i am same of your age, it is just sensation to know about a girl who is a "amazing writer".
    i just want to ask you how do you manage to get time for blogging, well i only get a healthy time fo blogging in summer vacations.
    i was more amzed to know that you have so so much stumbleupon favorites, popular on twitter, i came to know that you have even won 7-8 awards and have been invited to write on blog catalog.
    This is amazing!

    I also like books!
    now it's getting too long comment!

    Keep writing!!

  12. Meghna  

    @ Sulo- You are my inspiration :P
    Thanks a ton!

  13. Meghna  

    @ Mini- Thanks for visiting. I guess we could share the list :P
    Oh sorry, there was some problem with the template but proper now!

  14. Meghna  

    @ Shail- SO glad you visited! Thanks a lot for that compliment. You just need to take out time and devote. But I still continue doing well in academics and other things too :)
    I basically don't watch much of tv so I get time!
    I'm sure with your talent, you will achieve far more!

  15. Anonymous  

    Hi Meghna!
    I love both of your blogs! As mentioned in my comment on your other blog, I am also an avid reader. I have a feeling that we would get along quite well, we have a lot in common(except that you are 13 while I am 12, but I will be 13 soon).
    Good luck blogging!

  16. Farha Salim  

    nice meghs!
    You are really blessed to have such a good talent.....

    Well , luck girl u are!!


  17. Meghna  

    @ Dom- G:ad you visited...Love to be friends with you too!!

  18. Meghna  

    @ Poetess- Thanks!!!

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  20. Anonymous  

    the longest single author single titled poem in the world is the last messaih poem from has the following word count statistics. And is still progressing.
    Type of File: PDF
    Font size: 12 Pts.
    Spacing: Double
    File Size: 90.8 MB (95,224,347 Bytes)
    Page Size: 8.5 x 11 In.
    Pages: 19,896
    Words: 2,292,001
    Characters (no space): 8,429,826
    Characters (with spaces): 10,394,423
    Paragraphs: 417,632
    Lines፡ 417,788


    Type of File: PDF
    Font size: 12 Pts.
    Spacing: Double
    File Size: 97.0 MB (101,782,357 Bytes)
    Page Size: 6 x 9 In.
    Pages: 27,061
    Words: 2,291,603
    Characters (no space): 8,429,828
    Characters (with spaces): 10,394,428
    Paragraphs: 417,629
    Lines፡ 431,956
    and is still progressing

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