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May 22

Fatal Cure - by Robin Cook  

This is a medical thriller by Robin Cook.

A stimulating read for all Robin Cook lovers! An exceptional writer Robin Cook, also known as the master of medical thriller, writes mysteries related to the science of medicine. Fatal Cure is the first book by Robin Cook that I read and since then...I've been hooked on!

This is a story about Angela and David Wilson who are in a medical partnership and real life couples too. But their lives take a drastic change as they discover that their nine year old daughter is fighting an incurable disease.

They were living and working in Boston. Boston is a busy metro and quite similar to New York- crowds, traffic, robberies etc. Then both of them are offered good positions in Bartlet, which is a small countryside town with open spaces and palatial houses.

Their visit to Bartlet was like love at first sight. On top of that the salaries that they are offered are also quite comfortable.Their daughter too is advised to stay there as her respiratory problems would improve in less polluted areas like Bartlet.

Based on such considerations they decide not to continue further studies in Boston and head towards this beautiful countryside, Bartlet, looking for a new life away from the pressures of the city. Little did they realize that beneath the charming and pleasant paradise lay a more sinister secret.

Then both of them get entangled in an amazing plot at their hospital and the story continues as the mystery unravels....

Quite a fascinating read and I certainly enjoyed each moment of it. The fantastic detailing and explanations about the medical offices and terms were also useful!

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  1. Anonymous  

    Good review! I also love Robin Cook.

  2. Meghna  

    Hi Sandra,
    Thank you. It is my pleasure to know that you liked the review. Yes, Robin Cook wa my recent addition to my list of interesting writers.

  3. Occasional Brilliance  

    ok, i cant believe im about to say this, but i'm not a big fan of medical fictions... maybe because i've had a long line of doctors in my family including my mum and dad... [:P] good review though...

  4. Meghna  

    Hi Bubbles,
    Sorry to know that you don't like to read medical fictions. Have you tried Robin Cook any time? If not, attempt to read it and may be that you may love it. Just a thought.

  5. GraficWorld  
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  6. Filarial  

    hmmm yeah I was reading and devouring robin cooks at about the same age as you are now.. and then i slowly realised-- robin cooks stories were all the same.. the main characters where geenrally - two men and a woman ( interchangable as two women and a man) the main protagonist will start of by hating one of the men and loving the other and at the end it will turn out that the one that she/he loves is the evil villain and the other is the good one and throw in a lot of medical jargon in between..:D

  7. Meghna  

    Hi filarial,

    Oh, I didn't know that all of Cook's books have similar story lines :( I have only read two so far and I enjoyed both of them. But am disappointed to know about this. Thank you for the warning. But let me read more and decide for myself :)

    Thank you for mentioning.

  8. kjuniorangra  

    Really Excelent!!!

  9. kjuniorangra  

    Very, very, good... Excelent!

  10. Meghna  

    @ Junior- ummm....thanks ton...but those praises are for me or the book? :P

  11. kjuniorangra  

    For Fatal Cure (a fantastic history), and for you (a excelent review)! I'm loving this book... It's really good.

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