You might have often been intrigued by many phrases. But ever wondered what was the tale behind their origin? I went on a searching spree and discovered some interesting origins of phrases, that you might never have thought of. So keep guessing while you read!
Raining Cats And Dogs
This means raining very heavily Though the origin is still controversial, some say that the abominable drainage system of buildings in the 15th century caused drains to run over, emitting out garbage and a few unanticipated rubbish. Thus, animals might have lived in the thatched roofs and when it rained heavily, the dead remains would fall! And maybe some even had some dead dogs and cats hit their heads, thus giving birth to the phrase. Anyways, this certainly is a strange way to describe the weather, eh?
Fit to be tied
It means being furious. This phrase originated when the practice of tying irrepressible and often hazardous people was followed.
Wing and a prayer
It refers to being hopeful but unlikely to succeed. It originated during the First World War, celebrating the return of an American Flyer who came back safely in spite of a badly injured wing.
Pass the buck
It refers to passing off responsibility to someone else. It originated from a game of cards. A marker known as a buck is used in card games to mark the player who is the existing dealer. When the buck is passed to the next player, the responsibility for dealing is passed.
Stink to high heaven
It means to have a very strong odor. This expression originated from the well-known Shakespearean play 'Hamlet'. From a dialogue uttered by Hamlet's Uncle, the King of Denmark - "O, my offense is rank, it smells to heaven; It hath the primal eldest curse upon it, A brother's murder."
Face the music
It refers to accepting the truth. It originated from the British Military practice of playing the drums when someone was court marshaled.
I have a bone to pick with you
Which means, I have an unpleasant matter to settle with you. It is believed to have originated when at the marriage banquets of the Sicilian poor, the bride's father, after the meal, used to hand the bridegroom a bone, saying, "Pick this bone, for you have taken in hand a much harder task." Another origin might be from the British where a bone to pick was a profitable appointment given to a difficult opponent in order to silence him. The reference is to throwing a bone to a dog to keep him from barking at you.
To read more origins of phrases, the best site I can suggest is "The Phrase Finder". Do read many more phrases and any more interesting information regarding their origins, is welcome. So all game to share your knowledge with me through comments? Any additions to the list are welcome!
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November 22, 2008 at 9:46 PM
thats an interesting read!
November 23, 2008 at 3:04 PM
@ Sawan- Thanks :)
November 24, 2008 at 4:41 PM
ahh cool :D
i came across so many of them for the very 1st time \:D/
November 24, 2008 at 9:12 PM
@ Peter- LOL! I guess 2 or 3 for me :)
November 25, 2008 at 3:36 PM
I found it interesting, the way they originated.
November 25, 2008 at 4:17 PM
@ Kiran- Thanks :)
I found them interesting too!
December 10, 2008 at 3:55 PM
This was interesting.........!!!
December 10, 2008 at 5:33 PM
@ rushabhh- Thanks :P